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2023-02-25 14:18:06综合信息1



  1. 语言要准确,能够正确地使用语法、书写词汇及标点;

  2. 内容要连贯,文章结构要通顺合理;

  3. 文体格式符合题目要求;

  4. 语域恰当,写作目的明确。


" 英语二我建议你用张国静《写作宝中宝》,它很适合基础薄弱的同学!积累写作方面有高分词汇、句型还有模板,它的话题很全面,能抓住近几年考题的热点,强烈推荐使用!有时间的话你可以听一下张国静老师的网课,这个课程讲的都是考点,很适合备考时间不足的考研党们! "


to be or not to be,that's a question .conquer it,enjoy it~


l I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. I’m ...(姓名), my Number is…(编号).


  ① I’m sorry I’ve been so slow in answering your letter...

  ② I have the pleasure (honor) to inform (tell) you that...

  ③ I must apologize for my delay in answering your letter.

  ④ I apologize for not writing to you for so long.

  ⑤ I was really surprised to receive your letter yesterday.

  ⑥ It was nice to hear from you again.

  ⑦ I was sorry to hear that...

  ⑧ Thank you for telling me about...

  ⑨ I hasten to write you a few lines.

  ⑩ Please excuse this very short note.

   I am glad to hear of your continued success.

   As I have not heard from you for long, I feel anxious.

   I would have written to you before, but I have had so many things to do that I have not had one moment for myself.

   I am very glad to hear that you are all enjoying good health.

   Your kind letter afforded me much pleasure.

   I am obliged for your prompt and gratifying reply.

   We are very happy to say



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