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2023-02-22 16:00:06考研资讯1




I had a wonderful holiday at spring festival . I went to the park with my friends . We met at eight o'clock at the school gate . We went to the park by bike .It was a beautiful day . We sat under a big tree and chated with each other . We took about some movies and some fun things . We had lunch there . We ate hamburgers and some drinks , but I know they are not healthy and not good for us . Then we played some games .

  We were all fell tired ,but we were very happy ! It was great fun !


1 新年来了

The Spring Festival is also the Chinese New Year. Every year, before the Spring Festival, people are very busy. They buy many foods to prepare for a big dinner with their families. If their families are outside the city, they will make travel plan to meet them. In the evening after dinner, people go out into the street and play fireworks and fire crackers.


Math is difficult for me. I am always worried before the math test. Last semester, before the final math exam, I studied very hard. I spent a lot of time doing exercises. So when the test came, I did not feel it was too hard. And I am very glad that I received an A for the test. I am very pleased of my success. (65)


There are many ways to be relaxed. One thing I like to do is watching TV or talking to friends via the Internet. I also like visiting my friends and taking a walk with them, and I will be relaxed. Also, if I want to be quiet, I just read a book, and this is also very relaxing. (58)


I had an unforgettable 14th birthday. On my birthday, I had many friends coming to my house. They gave me birthday cards and presents. My parents bought me some computer games. We had a birthday cake with candles and I celebrated my birthday with all my friends. I had a lot of fun for my birthday and I will never forget. (61)


My life as middle school student is good. Sometimes I am also very busy. Usually I have a lot of homework from school. After I have done my homework, I usually talk to my friends on QQ, and sometimes I visit them and we go out for a walk or play. On weekends I do some homework, then I play with my friend




在一周里有七天。There are seven days in a week.In a week 在一周; 一周以后; 一星期; 一星期后; 一周之后; [例句]This is my third visit in a week, which says it all.这是我一周内第3次拜访,这说明了一切。

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